
From the Markets Media Desk: Liquid Updates Mobile Platform...

From the Markets Media Desk: Liquid Updates Mobile Platform...
In a world of mobile devices, fund managers are still chained to their desks while they read reports that are delivered to their desktop. Liquid Holdings, a cloud-based technology and managed services provider to hedge funds, is seeking to remedy this situation with enhancements to LiquidMobile, its web-based portfolio and risk analytics app.

“The big shift in the workflow for a hedge fund today is that they must have real-time access to data across all aspects of their business,” said Robert O’Boyle, president of Liquid Holdings Group. “The current legacy approach is to largely rely on end of day information, and they’re typically looking at in a report based format and at best looking at it in on the desktop across multiple applications.”  He added, “This requires them to log into the applications through a laptop or at their desk, whereas with our strategy, and those other next generation application providers, we created a paradigm of true low latent data delivery with complete device independence. Fund managers are able to look at information on a real-time, on-demand basis as opposed to historical T+1 or end of day reporting.”

LiquidMobile delivers interactive dashboards and reports that allow hedge funds and other asset managers to monitor their investments at the fund-, strategy-, account-, portfolio-, and security-level from a mobile device, the company said in a release. The dashboards include heat maps to quickly interrogate the drivers of performance and risk in real-time, or as-of a specified date. It also features client reporting capabilities which allow users to create custom report packets that best illustrate a fund’s methodology, performance and risk profile.

From the Markets Media Desk: Liquid Updates Mobile Platform...
LiquidMobile report ranks the ‘Top 5 Gainers’ & ‘Top 5 Losers’ by daily ‘% of Change’ as opposed to ‘daily P/L’. When expanded, the bar chart shows all holdings for the selected fund ranked from largest gain to largest loss which can then be zoomed in to the top 5, 10, etc. 

“This approach provides the necessary tools and access points to optimize the data consumption managers and clients need in today’s market,” said O’Boyle. “As we continue to roll out more touch optimized dashboards, analytics and reporting, we’re always focused on the immediate data needs of the manager which means focusing on mobility, which for us is about ensuring a tablet optimized environment.” The approach helps the hedge fund manager make better investment decisions, keep track of funds from a risk standpoint and ultimately have the tools they need to have meaningful conversations with their end investors when the investor want it not when the report is available.

Liquid Holdings rolled out LiquidMobile in a data format in late Q4 of last year and put it into production early Q1 this year. “We are beginning to get great user feedback and as a result, that directly impacts what we develop,” O’Boyle said. “Today’s managers have more challenges in running successful firms than ever before. Our approach radically simplifies the access to their data and it frees them up so that they can focus on alpha generation, lowering risk and servicing their investors regardless of their location or time of day.”

For more information contact us at marketing@liquidholdings.com

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