
Liquid Holdings does the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

  • Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Today, led by Robert O'Boyle, a good portion of our New York office participated in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge to raise awareness and funds for Lou Gehrig's Disease. While we did not accept the challenge from any one person or firm, we now nominate Advent Software, Apex Fund Services, and Evestment!

For those of you who are not aware, this challenge has been taking over the internet recently and is part of a campaign to raise funds and awareness for ALS (also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease). And this program is working! As of Tuesday, August 19, The ALS Association has received $22.9 million in donations compared to $1.9 million during the same time period last year (July 29 to August 19). These donations have come from existing donors and 453,210 new donors to The Association.

To donate or learn more:

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